How to redirect “http:// serverip:8090” to “https://hostname :8090”

Hello everyone,

As we all know, we have 2 ways to access cyberpanel, server ip and hostname.

Since the url "http://serverip:8090" is not safe, I worry someone will use it to do bad things.

So, I would like to redirect “http://serverip:8090” to
"https://hostname :8090”.

Can any friend tell me how to do it?

Many Thanks
From my isp I have only port 80 open , so i use CloudFlare for HTTPS.
I want to stop cloudflare from my domain , Can I use again HTTPS only with port 80 open ? (port 443 is blocked from my isp)


Go to web admin > listener > HTTP(port 80), enable the secure, and input the SSL certificate as you have with the HTTPS listener.