Google cloud pricing

Hello everyone
I am new hear and I have question about deployment of openlitespeed wordpress siteon GCP. I made my initial deployment along time ago, it said that it's free and it actually was almost free. Recently I reinstalled everything, including new virtual instance and it's not free any more. I'm tried to follow GCP directives of free tier. but still it quite quite expensive so that not worthy to keep it and easier to use services like godaddy etc.
Does anyone faced that problem? is it my mistake or it just not free anymore?
Thanks in advance

P.S. I'm not a professional, so please talk to my simple :)


That is correct, we have spent a lot of time working on packaging and maintaining those images. If you are a server expert, you can build your own from scratch, don't have to use the image, and can avoid the cost. Thanks for your understanding.

We have seen packages by other third parties using OLS, and they charge a lot higher fees. For us, just a small fee to cover our maintenance cost.