Using ols has proxy and changing php version by .htaccess


if I use a standard litespeed server I can use this code

But with a ols as proxy going to apache it does not work and make the php download.

How can I find the good handler ?

<FilesMatch "\.(php4|php5|php3|php2|php|phtml)$">
SetHandler application/x-lsphp70

Thank you

If I use the normal php handler via apache, it seem to download it, this is why I was wondering if openlitespeed could change anything.

Also is there way to view the information without going to the admin ?

Thank you


You can check the config file via SSH console if you prefer, e.g. /usr/local/lsws/conf/httpd_config.conf
"If I use the normal php handler via Apache, it seems to download it". I'm a little bit confused, so, apache is loading fine, but it fails if OLS is in the front? Is that correct?