Upgrade unsuccessful

Hi, I'm trying to upgrade from version 1.7.19 to 1.8.0 using the following command

wget https://openlitespeed.org/packages/openlitespeed-1.8.0.tgz
tar -zxvf openlitespeed-1.8.0.tgz
cd openlitespeed
The installation process prompts the following

[root@centos openlitespeed]# ./install.sh
Openlitespeed web server exists, will upgrade.
download comamnd is wget -nv -O
INSTALL_TYPE is upgrade
Target_Dir:/usr/local/lsws User:nobody Group:nobody
Admin:admin Password: AdminSSL:yes ADMIN_PORT:7080
TEMP_DIR:/tmp/lshttpd PID_FILE:/tmp/lshttpd/lshttpd.pid

Installing, please wait...

Admin SSL enabled!
2024-02-21 13:02:21 URL:http://cyberpanel.sh/?ip [11/11] -> "/usr/local/lsws/myip" [1]
Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to 'webadmin.key'
SSL host is [webadmin], use adminSSL
admin_php found and mv to admin_php.bak
2024-02-21 13:04:45 URL:http://www.litespeedtech.com/packages/lsphp5_bin/x86_64/lsphp5 [4949984/4949984] -> "/usr/local/lsws/admin/fcgi-bin/admin_php" [1]
admin_php downloaded.
[OK] lshttpd.service has been successfully installed!
Updating webcache manager, please waiting ...
Shared code library already meets minimum API version requirements.

Installation finished, Enjoy!

Your webAdmin password not changed.
[OK] Send SIGUSR1 to 71041
But when I log into the WebAdmin console, it still shows the version as OpenLiteSpeed 1.7.19 .

I've reinstalled several times and restarted the server and the problem persists. How do I fix this problem, thanks.