Enable HTTP/2 Over Cleartext TCP in OpenLiteSpeed 1.4.7

OpenLiteSpeed 1.4.7 lets me choose "Enable HTTP/2 Over Cleartext TCP" under "Server Confguration -> General" in the Dashboard. Does this mean that I can now use HTTP/2 without TLS? If so, how do I do it?

I already have HTTP/20-14 running under with https://... . Any http://... requests to the same port gets redirected automatically by OLS to https://...

Now I want to change the setup so I can do http://... requests to the same port and get HTTP/2 over cleartext. How do I do that? For example, I have tried to turn off "Secure" in the listener, but then https://... stops responding and http://... just gives me HTTP/1.1.

Is there something else I need to do on the server side? Or could it be the client that does not connect right? I am using Chrome Canary 44.0.2393.0 canary (64-bit), and it tells me it is the most recent version.


Hi andreaslo,

Sorry for such a late response, for some reason I didn't get an alert for this post.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to do HTTP/2 cleartext using the same port as with https, it will have to be a different port.

That said, another factor that you should consider is that currently, there are no major browsers that accept h2c, so even if you do use a different port for h2c, you will have to use another client.

That is just what we are aware of, so if it is actually supported by a browser, please let us know if that is the case.

Hope this helps,