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  1. SeCrEt BoY™

    Automatic PHP session cleanup

    I have the same issue with Litespeed Enterprise... /tmp folder keep on full and the webserver was stucking because nothing can create tmp file. Have any fix instead of find /tmp/ -ctime +7 -type f -name "sess*" | xargs rm
  2. SeCrEt BoY™

    Installing openlitespeed on ubuntu 22.04

    Seem still on vacation :V I must terminate my current 22.04 Ubuntu EC2 and re-create a 20.04 EC2 for making LSWS work :(
  3. SeCrEt BoY™

    Installing openlitespeed on ubuntu 22.04

    Yes, I have the same issue, still waiting for lsphp on a backup server :((
  4. SeCrEt BoY™

    Installing openlitespeed on ubuntu 22.04

    As I know Litespeed Repo is for Enterprise users too and I am running a LSWS... I opened a ticket from Premium Support with high priority but 1 day past still dont get the reply :((
  5. SeCrEt BoY™

    Can't add litespeed repo in Ubuntu 22.04

    Dev staffs still on vacation... A lots of ppl are waiting like you :V
  6. SeCrEt BoY™

    Installing openlitespeed on ubuntu 22.04

    ... I have been waiting here from May 29, 2022 and seem Litespeed Tech have slowly dev staffs?
  7. SeCrEt BoY™

    OLS strange query string

    I use Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS, I dont migrate, just create multi v-hosts in the same server. LSWS still have this issue too and seem have some peoples reported similar issue to LSWS support too.
  8. SeCrEt BoY™

    OLS strange query string

    I used One-Click Install Wordpress Litespeed. With htop I see some processes like: lsphp:/var/www/html/wp-cron.phve_some_room_to_avoid_overwrite_important_env lsphp:/var/www/html/wp-admin/ajax.phve_some_room_to_avoid_overwrite_important_env Someone knows what happen?