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  1. B

    WP Nonce is cached

    Hello! I use WP plugin TI Woocommerce Wishlist. It uses nonce. And after a while I start to get message with 'rest_cookie_invalid_nonce' code after AJAX request. How could I make WP nonce to be dynamic? How to avoid this problem?
  2. B

    Missed $_SERVER['HTTP_CONTENT_RANGE'] variable

    Hello! I use for chunk file uploads at my nginx-based website. And it works well. But when I use Openlite I cant upload a file by chunks. I did some debug and noticed $_SERVER['HTTP_CONTENT_RANGE] is null. It seems server didn't handle properly...
  3. B

    Missed HTTP_CONTENT_RANGE server var

    Hello! I use for chunk fileuploads on my nginx-based website. And it works well. But when I use Openlite I cant upload file. I did some debug and noticed $_SERVER['HTTP_CONTENT_RANGE] is null. It seems server didn't handle properly `content-range`...