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  1. J

    No request delivery notification has been received from LSAPI application, possible dead lock.

    Only error I am getting and I cannot figure out why it is occuring is: Any things I can check? Thanks!
  2. J

    Install OLS, Mysql, Phpmyadmin, SSL, and Wordpress on Ubuntu 16.04

    NoSo this was my first experience dealing with OLS and it was bit of a change of pace with a few things. So I figured I'd give you my best practices to get a fully functional Wordpress site running SSL and with full phpmyadmin. Everything is done assuming you have a fresh install of Ubuntu...
  3. J

    Rewrite issues

    Hi so I have my site running fine, but I am getting some errors that I am not sure why they are popping and one I am not sure how to address since I have used it when I have dealt with apache. 1st ReWrite error. Wordpress site is running fine with LSWS Cache installed, but getting these two...