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  1. M

    Permission issues for new sftp users

    We have an issue with new sFTP users that we create - first of all following documentation on how to create new users is not working, so what we did is the following: "sudo useradd -m {$name} -g www-data", "echo '{$name}:{$password}' | sudo chpasswd", "sudo...
  2. M

    Litespeed issues with PHP SSH configuration

    Lets do easy ones first: 3. I use phpseclib3 to connect to ssh from php. 2/1. Is there an exact check that I can do to know if the server is ready? I boot up the droplet and wait for SSH to be available, and now on top of that I wait for the server to create /opt/ before I do...
  3. M

    Litespeed issues with PHP SSH configuration

    Hello nice people, I'm using this image: that comes with litespeed integrated. I'm not a server guy so first of all, excuse any stupid stuff that I say :) What I'm doing is that I setup my droplets via php, through DO API, and I...