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  1. H

    openlitespeed dns

    what is service is hosting dns on a openlitespeed ubuntu server?
  2. H

    secure openlitespeed

    running openlitespeed on standlone linux server, already changed ssh port, added modsecurity. im looking for something to add to server to secure and monitor it.. any ideas?
  3. H

    redirected you too many times

    im getting; redirected you too many times, only when going to long url with like...
  4. H

    link clicks and landing page views

    im getting alot of facebook reported link clicks onto my website but ever since enabling litespeed cache wordpress plugin ive noticed a significant drop in landing page views reported by facebook, its normal that landing page views are less than link clicks. for instance, on 4th of july, there...
  5. H

    exclude from cache

    i want to exclude /?wc-ajax=wc_ppcp_frontend_request&path=/wc-ppcp/v1/cart/shipping&_locale=user do i just add the below to "Do Not Cache URIs" area; /?wc-ajax= or does it need to be ^/?wc-ajax=* ?
  6. H

    two websites, different domains, trying to setup ssl

    i've got two listeners setup, one for port 80 and the other for 443, created the ssl using certbot certonly which issues the ssl .pem files successfully .. both listeners have the the domains added, there are two virtual hosts added, going to different paths, one for each domain, ssl is added...